Before & Afters

Before And Afters

before and after

Matt’s story

From Transformation to Triumph: SGT Matthew MacDonald Conquers Air Assault School!

Prepare to be inspired! Meet SGT Matthew McDonald, a true testament to the power of hard work and dedication!

We had the honor of working closely with SGT McDonald for 60 days leading up to his momentous achievement at Air Assault School. Today, we proudly celebrate his incredible success and transformation!

Through sheer determination and an unwavering commitment to his fitness goals, SGT Matthew McDonald proved that anything is possible. From grueling training sessions to overcoming physical and mental hurdles, he embraced every challenge with unwavering resilience and emerged triumphant!

SGT McDonald's journey serves as a powerful reminder that with the right mindset and the right support, you can achieve greatness. His unwavering dedication not only helped him conquer Air Assault School but also transformed his life in ways he never imagined.


Shannon's Story

Amazing Transformation Alert!

Meet Shannon, our inspirational superstar who achieved an incredible feat with our 12-month training program: a mind-blowing 50-pound weight loss!

Shannon's unwavering dedication and commitment to our program were truly remarkable. Over the course of 12 months, she embraced our structured workouts, and continuous progress monitoring, resulting in a stunning transformation.

Combining cardio, strength training, and targeted exercises, Shannon's body was constantly challenged, leading to accelerated fat burning and enhanced fitness levels. Our expert trainers ensured she had the optimal support, ensuring maximum results.

Beyond the physical changes, Shannon experienced a profound mental and emotional shift. Her confidence soared as she conquered obstacles and achieved milestones once thought impossible. With our program's guidance and a newfound sense of community, Shannon discovered a passion for fitness that extended far beyond weight loss.

founder Thomas Flanagan

My Story

From Pain to Progress: My Journey to Living Pain-Free!

On 8/22/23, I was weighed down by pain at 259.7 pounds and 37.9% body fat. Today, on 6/13/2024, I'm proud to say I've shed the weight of both physical and emotional burden, now at 205.7pounds and 25.7% body fat. How did I do it? Through a holistic approach to wellness.

Consistent workouts and a macro-based nutrition plan fueled my body with wholesome foods, while cultivating a growth mindset paved the path to progress. But it's the holistic practices that truly transformed my life.

Daily stretching, cold plunges, compression therapy, electronic muscle stimulation, sauna sessions, meditation, and daily walks have become non-negotiable parts of my routine. This regimen, alongside a consistent sleep schedule, has empowered me to manage my pain effectively.